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About us


Catch Cup is owned and operated by the Sylvia and Gordie Tamayo. As a family of 6 (4 of them being girls), they sought to better understand the physiological needs of females and act upon an innate desire to serve. With a background in social work, media, and entrepreneurialism, they have BIG dreams to provide a much-needed service to women worldwide and radically give back to those who need it most.

We look forward to connecting with and serving you and/or your loved ones through a variety of ways via Catch Cup

The Tamayo’s also provide high caliber consulting for executives, brands, and business owners via GordieTamayo.com and digital marketing services via the BoiseBeat.



By 2024, our goals are to have long-term partners established throughout our local headquarters region, and begin branching across the states for similar partnerships.


Across the planet, there was so much changing across the financial, job, and health markets. Witnessing these effects on families first hand brought the realization that despite these conditions, certain needs did not change; primarily the need for women and girls to have access to feminine hygienic care. With inflation on the rise, the challenges were only amplified. This was a large part of the inspiration that the Tamayo's to take action and do their part to assist women and girls in need. Hence, Catch Cup was born!


In 2021 the Tamayo family took the zeal to serve others in need. Coupled with their knack entrepreneurialism only made the conversations richer and laid some of the groundwork for future dreams to turn into a reality.